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Again, HempGro has decided to go for sound, certified, clean seed to make sure that our farmers are growing the best quality seed available. We are bringing in two seed varieties, which have been proven in WA over the last few years and did well in the DPIRD/HempGro best seed for region trials.
The first is Fedora 17, which has been grown successfully on farms in Denmark and Albany region. It is a moderately tall plant that sets seed well, is not a long season grower and drops a good biomass into the paddock.
The other variety is Fibror 79, which has a natural yellow colour to its leaves, giving it an unusual look in the paddock. It is not a long season plant in WA, growing to about 1.6m tall and with a good seed head on the top of the stem.
The third seed is new to WA, if not Australia. Orion 33 and has been chosen because the French believe it will grow well in North Africa. It is labelled as a heavy seed plant which does not have a long growing time and should only reach 1.6 m tall.
The fourth seed in our mix this year is USO31, a good allrounder which has grown in WA for two seasons. Mainly in the south west where it grew well both seasons. It has a smaller seed size but a larger mass of seeds in each flower.
HempGro continues to bring in good quality seed that is certified industrial hemp, meaning the THC is below 0.02% and over the years none of our crops in these seeds have ‘run hot’ – going over the legal limit for Industrial hemp.
With a number of new businesses in hemp springing up in the southern corner of WA, there is a great need for seed to feed these enterprises.
Geo HempStock will be supplying feed supplements for horses using hemp seed oil and meal. Ethel Hawkins – 0408 935 401
Vasse Valley is continuing to expand with both range and reach of their hemp seed food business. Chris Blake – 0407 163 323
South West Hemp has just begun and will be supplying hemp seed food products in the on line market area. Brad Skeggs - 0410 305 160
Soap, Suds and Oils a cosmetic and beauty line of products made in Busselton which is expanding from a market stall to online and shop fronts. Nicole Botica – 0408 887 275
All these entrepreneurs are members of the Co-op and are aiming to purchase seed and products of the Co-op farmers to keep their businesses local and very healthy.